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Genetic Analysis
You are more than just your symptoms! You are a product of your ancestry and your environment. Holistic Integrative Medicine Clinic utilizes and analyzes your genetic data and makes recommendations of dietary and lifestyle changes which may alter your diseases and/or risk of disease. We focus on personalized care for our patients. The ultimate goal of Gene Analysis is to offer people a personalized nutrition plan and lifestyle recommendations to assist the treatment and prevention of disease.
Why Analyze My Genes?
Genetic analysis helps your physician key into your risk factors and can help determine individualized treatments for:
Cardiovascular Disease
Weight Issues
Other Medical Conditions
What We Do
We utilize genetic material that you obtain through ancestry testing. These sources include 23and Me,, AncestryDNA and Family Tree. The ancestry companies offer a short 2-4 page excerpt that is not individualized or analyzed by a health provider. Dr. George Spady evaluates and analyzes your genetic data in depth and gives you individualized recommendations and a detailed report for changing your lifestyle to optimize your health.